(317) 898-3384 8602 E. 10th St, Indianapolis, IN 46219

3 Signs that You Could be Dehydrated

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — indianapolisteam @ 10:36 pm
Someone who is thirsty

As temperatures start to rise this summer, it’s incredibly important that you drink water consistently. Dehydration will not only affect your energy levels and response to the heat, but it can also cause serious problems for your oral health. Dehydration means dry mouth, and a lack of saliva in the mouth is connected to an increased chance of developing tooth decay.

As summer hits its stride, dehydration can sneak up on you without you even realizing it. Here are a few signs that you might need to up your water intake.


One indicator you might be familiar with is headaches, as this is a fairly common sign of mild to moderate dehydration. Depending on the situation, this headache can vary from mild to intolerable.

In extreme circumstances, dehydration can even trigger migraines in people who are susceptible to them. While the connection isn’t fully understood, research shows that extreme thirst can temporarily shrink brain tissue, which can cause pain as a result.


When it’s hot and humid outside, it can be easy to feel a little bit drained by the middle of the day. However, the solution might not be coffee or cola; it could be that a tall glass of water is what you need.

Hydration is necessary to the body for organ function and the delivery of nutrients to the cells. If you’re not drinking quite enough water, you may find that paying attention and staying active is considerably harder.

If you’re chronically dehydrated, this can also impair your capacity to sleep well. If this is allowed to continue, you might find that you don’t have as much energy as you would like.


You might have heard some examples of people drinking lots of water in order to make dieting easier, incentivizing them to eat less. This is theorized to work because the part of the brain that signals thirst is the same that deals with hunger.

This principle also means that, if you’re dehydrated, you might mistake it for being hungry. While eating a bit when you’re hungry isn’t a bad idea, it’s worth also making sure that you’re drinking enough water along with it.

About Our Practice

At Indianapolis Family Dentistry, we know that dentistry is about so much more than just root canals and fillings. Patients being able to take charge of their oral health and having the knowledge necessary to maintain their smile is incredibly important, which is why we work to help the people we see understand as much as possible about their teeth.

If you have any questions about staying hydrated, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (317) 898-3384.

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